Game Rules

Dodgeball Game Rules for Kraig’s Dodgeball Tournament!

Your Are Out: if you are hit with a live ball, you step on or over the center line, you throw a ball and it is caught, or you cross the sideline boundary.

A Thrown Ball: can only get one player out. A ball is considered dead after it hits the ground, another object, a player, or is blocked. This also counts for catches. If a ball is blocked and then caught by another player, the thrower is not out. If the blocker catches the ball, then the thrower is out. Same for if it bounces off of a player.

Blocking A Ball: You may block a thrown ball with a ball in your hand, but you are out if you block it into yourself, you drop the blocking ball, or if it is not a clean block and it hits you and the ball. This is the rule that causes the most confusion so here are some examples
A) If you drop the ball you used to block with, then you are out
B) If the ball hits your hand as well as the ball that you are using to block, then you are out
C) If after blocking the ball it hits any part of YOUR body before hitting the ground, wall, or another player, then you’re out
D) If you block the ball cleanly with the ball and it then hits another player on your team, they are NOT OUT.

When You Are Out: When you are out, you must leave the court immediately with your hand up so players know that you are out. If you touch a ball on the ground, interfere with a thrown ball, or hinder the game in any way, an additional player from your team will also be out. If you are holding a ball/s when you get out, you may not hand them to a teammate. You must drop them to the ground and head towards the sidelines.

Head Shots: Please avoid throwing headshots as much as you can. The balls do sail at times, but you are responsible for the control of your ball. If you cannot throw it low and accurate, then don’t throw as hard. This being said, there will be times where a player is hit in the head. In this case, both players are out.

The Resurrection Area: Once you are out, you should get to the sideline as quickly as possible. If a ball is caught by a teammate, a player can return to the game. The player who has been in the resurrection area the longest, should be the player to return to the game. When the player re-enters the game, they need to go and touch the end wall before joining into the action. You can be hit on the way to the wall, but you cannot pickup a ball, until you have touched the wall. A player must already be in the area at the time of the catch, to be eligible to re-enter the game. This means if you are still in the process of getting off the court at the time of the catch, then you do not qualify as an eligible player to return to the game. A player that was a sub, is NOT ELIGIBLE to enter the game on a catch.

Hold Ball Only For 10 Seconds: If you exceed the 10 seconds, the ball is considered dead, and you must roll the ball over to the other team. The roll should be straight down the middle, not trying to keep it away from the opponent.

Dodgeball Showdown -One On One: If the game comes down to 1 player on each side, the game is paused for a showdown. Each player is given two balls on their end line. The rules for the center line are dissolved and players can go anywhere to get the other player out. Again, if the there is a head shot in a one on one, the thrower is out first so their team loses.

Balls Out Of Bounds: If a ball leaves the court area, the players that are out can get them and roll them back onto the court. If there is nobody out, and all the balls are out of play, the game will be paused to bring them back onto the court.